2022 Fall Yardbirding and More Rarities
Black-capped Chickadee September fall birding started off a bit slow for me this year, but I managed to get a few new birds for the year. A few of my First Of Year (FOY) Philadelphia Vireos showed up as usual a few days into the month. A very wet Northern Mockingbird was a one day yard wonder, my second of the year and fifth ever for Bruce County! They definitely appear to becoming more common visitors to the county. I managed to stay awake long enough to do some Nocturnal Flight Call Counts (which is listening to the birds migrating under the cover of dark). I managed to pick up the calls of a few of the usual thrushes including a few of my FOY Grey-cheeked Thrush's. A really nice surprise though was a migrating Black-crowned Night Heron calling overhead, a new yard bird and an overdue lifer for me! Later in the month I managed to finally get a Hermit Thrush for the yardlist, bringing my total total yard count to 188 bird species for...