Late April & Early May Migrants


 Much has happened in the birding world since my last post! Many new FOY (First Of the Year) birds have arrived, and I am now at 133 species for my yard and 142 for all of Bruce County!

Here's a recap on the past few weeks...


April 20-26:

Mostly cold and birdless. Highlights include a Golden Eagle, FOY Broad-winged Hawk, Great Egret, and yard FOY Blue-winged Teal. I also saw 4 White-tailed Deer, the first ones that I've seen in over a year and a half.


April 27:

Strong south winds all the way from gulf coast brought up lots of new birds. A few FOY's include Glaucous Gull, Swamp Sparrow, Barn Swallow, and an early Cape May Warbler which gave me excellent views!

Cape May Warbler

April 28: 

 Cloudy all day with on and off rain, but turned out to be a pretty decent day for birds. I got 4 FOY's which were in the form of a Blue-headed Vireo, Northern Goshawk, Vesper Sparrow, and a Northern Parula!

Northern Parula

April 29:

 Nothing new besides a few FOY White-crowned Sparrows.

April 30:

Got my FOY and second ever Winter Wren for the yard. Also found and photographed a Blue-spotted Salamander which was cool.

Blue-spotted Salamander


May 1:

May is here! I found 2 new birds: a Lesser Yellowlegs and the highlight of the day... a Black Vulture!!! This is now the fourth year in a row that I've seen a Black Vulture around my yard! Awesome!


May 2:

A Black-throated Green Warbler was the only FOY of the day.

 May 3:

More south winds from the gulf coast, but lots of rain. I got 3 FOY's, an Upland Sandpiper (which gave me spectacular views!), a Solitary Sandpiper, and 2 Bobolink's. Other highlights include an Evening Grosbeak, 14 Lesser Yellowlegs, and my 200 yard bird... a Gadwall! I was hoping for something a bit rarer for my 200 yard bird, but a Gadwall will do!  

Upland Sandpiper

May 4:

Rainy and wet for the whole day, but got a FOY Black-and-white Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Ovenbird, American Pipit, Eastern Kingbird, and a yard FOY Great Egret.


May 5:

 A Baltimore Oriole was the only FOY of the day.

May 6:

 Yellow Warbler and House Wren were the only FOY's, but a flock of 5 male Evening Grosbeaks was probably the highlight of the day.

May 7:

A pretty decent birding day overall. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Common Yellowthroat, Green Heron, and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird were all FOY's for me. Other highlight were a couple of Eastern Towhee's, 25 Pine Siskins, and the continuing Black Vulture

May 8:

 Nothing of note besides 35 Pine Siskin's.


May 9:

I got my first 70 species checklist of the year (you can view it HERE), and saw my FOY Least Flycatcher and Red-eyed Vireo.


May 10:

No FOY's, but a couple of highlights include a couple of Evening Grosbeaks, 2 Cape May Warblers, and a Peregrine Falcon.  

May 11:

Another day with no FOY's, but I did see a Red-shouldered Hawk and another Peregrine Falcon which was nice.



Here are a few pics of some more common birds...




 Broad-winged Hawk
I was experimenting with a couple of photos I took of this hawk, and was able to stitch them together making it appear that there are two different birds in the photo. But don't worry, almost all my other photos are legit. I only "cheated" on this one😁





Swamp Sparrow

 Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Nashville Warbler

Eastern Towhee

Cape May Warbler


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